1. Log into the below link of the Income Tax
2. If you are not registered Click on Register Now and fill all the Details. PAN Number, Date Of Birth is Important fields.
3. Once Registered Login into the above link using the PAN Number, Password and Date of Birth
4. On the left hand side there is a Quick Link as below
5. Click on Download ITR and select the assessment year as 2013-14 in the window as shown below.
6. Click on ITR1 and select ITR1. Download the Excel sheet as marked above.
7. An Excel sheet will be downloaded (in zip)
8.Unzip the Excell sheet and open it
9.Opening this shows the Security Warning .Enable macros after opening Excel.
10. Click on Options.. and it pops up the new window as “Security alert. Clcik on “enable this
Content and Press on OK.
11. Fill the Information in the Excel sheet of”Income Details” as below
13. Fill the info in the Excel as required.
14.Click validate after you finish each tab in excel as shown below.
15.Go to the first page of the excel sheet “Income Tax Details” It will “Generate” details.
16.Once finished Clock Generate XML File
17. This would generate the XML sheet in the same folder where the Excel sheet is filed.
18.Go to the Quick Link Page and click on Upload Return
20. Select the ITR form, assessment year.
21. Click on Browse and upload the XML file that is generated in the step
22. This will be uploaded and is shown as below.
23. ITR-V will be generated in PDF format. You can take the Printout of it or it will be sent to the e-mail that is mentioned in the Excel sheet.
24. Open the PDF sheet that is Password protected. The Password will be <<PAN>><<DD>><<MM>><<YY>>.<<PAN” should be lower case.
25. Sign the ITR-V and sent to Income tax department-CPC, by ordinary post ( you need 5 rupee stamp)
Address is Post Box -1, Electronic City Post Office, bengaluru, Karanataka-560100
This completes the process. No need to hire any Chartered Accountant. You an file returns for Free.